Makers and Takers - 70 Second eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Dec 22, 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Makers and Takers

The term popped up when a buddy was looking for a new soul mate.

He’d learned in the first marriage, he’d rather marry “a Maker, not a Taker.”

The term stuck, as catch-phrases tend to do.

Recently, a close friend popped by to drop off cookies. Her name is Greta. She falls squarely into the Maker category. In fact, if ‘Maker’ had a poster child, it would be Greta.

Greta is not only a friend, she is my doctor. Let’s just say her exceptional character comes in second at that poignant moment when her small fingers become her most redeeming quality.

Greta is a Super Maker. Three kids attending three different schools, a thriving medical practice, master chef, costume Goddess for any theme possible and, somehow, finds the time to drop off a container of cookies that would have been called Crack, if the name hadn’t already been taken.

How good are Greta’s cookies?

Here’s the text just sent to her.

Greta, re. your cookies: While angels dance across my taste-buds, I now resemble a cross between a three year-old clutching his bankie and Gollum. 

Although, this eBrief might be coming across as a Greta Homage… it is particularly written to call-out all Makers and Takers out there. And, it is not a negative judgment on Takers either. Taking is part of the human condition. And sometimes Takers don’t have a choice.

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Each Christmas, we elevate the concept of charity to a visceral experience for our three kids. At Dallas’ Christmas in the Park we handed out toys to families living below the poverty line. It was mind-bending to see lines, which started at 3 pm the previous day, trail for what looked like miles. 30,000 people ultimately made their way into a Fair Park building to receive toys, bikes, beds and food for their families. Their patience was astounding. The smiles were humbling.

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In a few days, many of us will open gifts and stuff our bellies in celebration of all the blessings we receive. 

In a small way, there’s an opportunity to create a little Maker-Taker reversal.

At the right time, put that cookie down! Go over the kitchen and give a Maker a break.

When you have the choice, be a Maker, not a Taker.

Tags: Goals, Motivational