Cynics (or executives who've been burned) believe leading transformational change can't happen in an hour. They are flat wrong! Meet "transformational speaker" Vince Poscente – the authority on personal innovation and overcoming obstacles.
On the topic of transforming teams and personal transformation, Vince speaks from the ultimate positive transformation experience. In four years he became an Olympian. In record time, he became inducted into the speaker hall of fame in both USA and Canada (only 4 people on the planet have achieved this honor). In the first six weeks his book, The Age of Speed, dominated the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today’s bestseller lists.
This TOP TEN speaker in the WORLD transports an audience on a wild ride to accelerating professional transformation in a substantive, inspiring and entertaining way. Transforming leadership happens when they are taken on an experience they will never forget. Then, transformational speaker, Vince Poscente supplies three keys to leading change.
Check out our video and be transformed like hundreds of thousands of people have already experienced around the world!