Vince Poscente | Motivational Keynote Speaker

A Gift for Covid Campers - The Heroes Climb

Written by Vince Poscente | Sun, Apr 05, 2020 @ 01:00 PM

A gift for Covid Campers everywhere!

The Heroes Climb, The Ascent from I to Us

Think back to the first time you realized you were meant for something greater. That thought was your first step. You set-out towards a peak beyond your sights. What happened to that journey of yours? Are you isolated in your Covid Camp? Moreover, what will you do in the months ahead?

There are scores of heroes. Look past the iconic heroes of legend or stardom. Turn your gaze to everyday heroes who pivoted from I to us.

As you widen the scope of possibilities, you become aware of a mountain, patiently waiting for you. As you ascend, your power will shift from I to us.

Normally, I give motivational keynote speeches about how “I” went from recreational skier to the Olympics in just four years. This was followed by how others could accelerate towards their goals through an award-winning speaking career and as a New York Times bestselling author.

Then, the “Great Recession” hit. And the journey uphill to find “Us” began. With this new mountain of a health and economic crisis, your opportunity awaits. This book is for you to venture on your Heroes Climb.
