Vince Poscente | Motivational Keynote Speaker

Put a Moat of Value Around Your Business

Written by Vince Poscente | Thu, Jun 09, 2022 @ 05:15 PM

It’s hyper-competitive out there and we all seek ways to protect what we’ve built. There are those who are determined to attack your book of business, storm your sales territory, steal your market share, displace you from the job you enjoy, or a litany of ground assaults. Lead with value first and you will effectively create a protective moat. The more valuable your upfront offer, the more you fortify unassailable walls. Be creative with the value you provide.

Here’s an example:

This past week I attended this compelling session by @RichardBliss. He talked about the tactics to get the highest engagement on LinkedIn. While he conducted the session, a real post was initiated by an attendee.

By the end of the 90-minute course, she had over 1,000 impressions. It was impressive. I tried my own LinkedIn post and checked most of the boxes:

  • Write a compelling post,
  • include names of individuals,
  • add original images,
  • insert 3-5 hashtags,
  • and make it a priority to answer all the comments that would appear in the first two magical hours of the posting.

Alas, the post only had a few dozen views.

Undeterred, I realized I needed to encourage comments by providing value to them first.

I texted 155 friends on Wednesday with an invitation to participate in this study and (here's the value part) a promise to provide the results.

At the time of posting this to you, the impressions on Thursday’s post were 4,500.

By offering value first, you are effectively competing at a higher level. With a background in ski racing, I learned it is conventional and average to do what your competition is not doing. Instead, do what the competition is not willing to do, and you’ll put a moat around your business.

With this moat of value, you will better secure that castle of yours.

#businesslife #innovation #digitalmarketing #winningstrategies #setbacktobreakthrough