The Rebel Leader Safety Interview with Greg Kiraly

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Jun 25, 2020 @ 01:41 PM

Welcome Greg Kiraly with his decades of experience in the corporate world and especially with leadership in the safety space. Greg is a leadership speaker, coach and consultant along with his REBEL LEADER podcast. Greg is an experienced executive in all aspects of electric systems operations. He has demonstrated expertise in safety strategies, system reliability and cost controls.



Greg dives into various topics and ideas for safety leaders:

  • What is the data telling you about what things could go wrong and how to reduce incident rates?
  • Employ innovative approaches to the emotional connection for employees. For example, at Hydro One they used a Safety Brand that was "For Family, For Life." 
  • Build a program around your Safety Brand and emotional connection while you consistently look for opportunities to support that brand.
  • Employee engagement works best if it has those employees involved in any and all initiatives. 
  • Reentry happens best when communication is the tip of the spear.
    • Do the right thing immediately. Ie Tylenol being pulled off the shelf by Johnson and Johnson during the tampering scare.
    • Give updates that are meaty, frequent and confident
    • Ensure employees trust there will be permanent change, for good.
  • It is always a mistake to make too drastic of a swing when reacting to a crisis or an issue. Keep it measured by continuing to engage with your employees in the conversation.
  • Leaders need to be seen where the work is. Don't just sit in your office. Try to do what an employee does. This will elevate the respect that they have for you. Be sure to have insight on what they go through. 
  • Ensure there is a leader in every companywide safety training course. Do this consistently.
  • When it comes to safety:
    • Challenge Everything (especially established norms)
    • Set the Bar Incredibly High (ie Zero Incident)
    • Execute Relentlessly (employees want to see action)
  • Pride is the deadliest of the seven deadly (corporate) sins because then you're not open to change.
  • Cynics can hijack safety initiatives. The solutions is to pull them aside and ensure you spend time with them. Get their input. Do what it takes to turn them around.
  • The "Cowboy" mentality is a frontline employee or leader who throws caution to the wind and sets a bad example. This can be a cancer in a culture. If they can't change their ways, then they need to be let go.

Tags: Safety, Radical Safety, Safety Training