Smart Get Smarter - Motivational Way to Riches

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Oct 16, 2013 @ 05:00 AM

In the same way, "The rich get richer" -- "The smart get smarter." When someone has money, they can use it to make more money. People with smarts have the same advantage – but in this case you don’t necessarily need to be a brainiac to get ahead.


Our middle child, Alex, was recently asked to help a fellow student to prepare for a test. Alex has done well in class and she helps her fellow classmates frequently. By helping her friends, she doubly prepares herself for a good grade. Yet, if there was an ambitious C or B student who wanted to get more A’s, a little proactivity would go a long way. Put your metaphorical stethoscope up to a medical school approach to see how.

When learning procedures, medical students have a motto:

See One. Do One. Teach One.

This can be a tremendous tool, especially for those tasks that could be done more efficiently.

Let’s say you want to learn a time-saving way to send emails. Take a moment and think of an email you send on a repeated basis. For us, it’s a video-clip we personalize for prospects. The email takes ten minutes to do each time. It occurred to us, a template would speed up the process.

STEP 1 – See One. 
I went online and learned how others created a template in Mac Mail.

STEP 2 – Do One.
I fumbled through the process of creating a template. It wasn’t too difficult after I locked down the proper sequence.

STEP 3 – Teach One.
I sat down with my assistant Cara and taught her how to create a template too. For grins, Cara came back a week later. She taught me how she creates templates in an even more efficient manner.

The ‘video-clip email template’ we now send saves a half an hour per week. Add Cara in the equation and together we save four hours per month. Multiply that by another time saving tool and we can double our time saving productivity to 8 hours per month. What would 96 hours of time savings per year mean to you and your company?

If you see one, do one, teach one:

  • you learn something valuable
  • you benefit other people in your world
  • you save time
  • you improve productivity
  • you become more amazing than you already are

For you, the secret behind this approach is proactivity. Pretend you’re a C student wanting to run with the Honor Roll crowd. Be proactive.

Choose something you want to learn. See one. Do one. Teach one. The upside will have you playing doctor anytime you like.

That didn’t sound right.

Okay... The upside will be a smarter, richer you! Booya. Drop the mic. Walk off the stage.

Tags: Goals, Business Leadership