Max Poscente reporting from New Delhi, India where our expedition team is meeting for the first time. We are excited about being the first expedition to enter UNESCO’s newest World Heritage Site, the Great Himalayan National Park - in a few days from now.
Here is the update we were given:
After many years of tireless effort by Ankit Sood, Sanjeeva Pandey and Payson Stevens are proud to announce UNESCO has just declared the Great Himalayan National Park an official World Heritage Site!
Here is the actual notice:
"The World Heritage Committee, having examined Documents submitted by the Republic of India has decided to Inscribe the Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area, India, on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion (x) of UNESCO Guidelines.
The Criterion X is “To contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.”
CONGRATULATIONS TO SANEEJEVA, PAYSON AND ANKIT and all those who have worked tirelessly ... over so many years... to make this a reality!
Here is a picture of Ankit and his brother Panki (owners of Sunshine Himalayan Adventures)
A quick heads up:
The GHNP has experienced record snowfalls this year along with a snow season of unprecedented duration. We assure you we will do our best to insure both safety and adventure as final plans are drawn.
Here is the final list of our expeditionary team:
1 Dick Plush
2 Renee Hamilton
3 Danita Conley
4 Spencer Conley
5 Kia Meaux
6 Jeffrey Strassner
7 John Cihomsky
8 Max Poscente
9 Guy Mansueto
10 Vince Poscente
11 Math Reichel
12 Jack Salz
13 Jeff Salz