Wall Street Protesters a PR Potpourri - Missing the BIG GOAL

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Oct 12, 2011 @ 09:13 AM

If your organization or company is looking for a way to get PR. Give the media what they want or those same journalists will find what they want. (And it might not be what you want.) The Wall Street protesters are learning this the hard way.

To look at the news you'd think ripe hippies with directionless abandon is the story.

Read between the bylines and you'll realize the journalists have sought out the grungy people with dreadlocks and a retro-protest sign. Turn the image to black and white and you're taken back to the 60's. Now that's a story.

Cutaway clips focus on the arrests or pepper spray incidents. The more cogent messages of financial equity and accountability for creative investment schemes gets shoved into the "less interesting" category. How many people caught the Paul Krugman quote?

 describe the image

The lesson for your small business is simple. Give the media an unforgettable message. Something that has them go, "Now that's a story." Looking for ideas? Check out Jeff Crilley's book, Free Publicity. It has some great ideas to help small businesses, associations and entrepreneurs reach their own BIG GOALS in short order.

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Tags: Goals, Sales, Motivational, Business Leadership