Head in the Clouds - HeroesClimb - Day 8

Posted by Vince Poscente on Tue, Jul 05, 2016 @ 03:00 AM

Our adventure at the top of the world continues. As we attempt climb two unclimbed, unnamed peaks at the top of the world. We will be able to report our exact altitudes after we summit.

The idiom, "His or her head is in the clouds" comes to mind. It means the person is not paying much attention to what is happening around them, and has their head filled with unrealistic ideas.

Although a cloud can come rollling up the valley, envelope our entire team, drastically drop the temperature; our "heads" are most certainly NOT in the clouds. Our attention is acutely tuned to our surroundings and safe passage.

Climbing a virgin peak may be unrealistic to some, but we are here. The heroes we climb for supercede obstacles in their own lives. They too are aware of their surroundings but are not held back by circumstance. Moreover, if a passerby or authority says, "that's unrealistic," this only fuels their desire to keep climbing.

Each of us has a hero within.

Heroes climb, that's what heroes do.



Tags: Goals, Motivational, Inspirational