Creatures of Least Resistance - Motivational Approach to Rewiring

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Aug 20, 2014 @ 03:00 AM

This one’s gonna sting. It's about you.

You are naturally wired to avoid doing the things you need to do to succeed. 

If you’re in sales, this ought to cause a tad more than concern. (Oh, and as the saying goes, “If you’re lips are moving, you’re in sales.”)

For those who have a product of service to sell, it’s easier to simply not call. You don’t get up in the morning and seek discomfort. Our natural instinct is to follow that path of least resistance.
Couch_PotatoInstinct is difficult to overcome. For example, how would you not blink if a beach ball was thrown at your face? Instinct is deeply ingrained into every fiber of your being.

So what’s your antidote to this pesky instinct?

  1. Attach Pain to Procrastination – As you instinctively skip down the path to least resistance – use your fertile imagination to immediately play-out all the painful scenarios attached to procrastination. Bring in the 5 senses. Now, add feelings of embarrassment, disappointment, letting others down. Do this right and the pain will be too much to tolerate. You’ll jump to your own rescue.
  2. Put an Aikido Move on Least Resistance – Given we instinctively dislike resistance. Use this force of dislike to your advantage. Picture this: Depositing less money in the bank. Getting fired for lack of production. Looking for a new job or new client. Just like a martial arts master uses the momentum of a ‘haymaker’ punch to redirect in a fluid throw to the ground, use the consequences of resistance as a redirect to what you should be doing.
  3. Interrupt the Pattern of Least Resistance - When you realize you're slipping into the procrastination pattern, do something so physiologically unusual you psychologically pause for a reset. Example:
    • You get to the office and start arranging paperclips, seeing how many pencils you can hold with your upper lip or poking around on Facebook (same thing as paperclip arranging and lip-pencil holding).
    • Say to yourself, "Uh oh, I'm procrastinating." (with the voice of Rocky Balboa)
    • Pinch your nose with one hand while waving your right arm like a lunatic. Throw in a “whoop, whoop, whoop” as if you’re one of the Three Stooges. You’ve interrupted the pattern. (Feel free to develop your own signature move.)
    • Now, consciously and immediately follow-up this pattern interrupt with the most important thing you need to get done today. 

It’s easier to sleep in. It’s less difficult to turn on the TV than to be proactive on the phone. It’s more relaxing to stay at home than to get in the car and meet a prospect.

Stop being a creature of least resistance. Engage in the three rewiring tactics above and you’ll create an end-game of an easier life. Isn’t that 'easier life' what your instinct wanted all along?

We're here to help! Join our "health and wealth" building team to get that motivational head-start you're looking for.

Tags: Goals, Motivational, Business Leadership

To Bond and Let Go - Motivational Experiences by Design

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Aug 13, 2014 @ 03:00 AM

Learning that we had a father-son expedition in the Himalayas, the reaction has been universal, “What a great bonding opportunity.” But “bonding” seems limiting and beyond motivational. Especially with offspring abundantly ready to break free. Let’s wrap our minds around the concept of bonding alongside the rhythm of letting go.


Indeed, an emotional bond was part our journey but we shared so much more. Every second was an onslaught of present-centered focus. This step and the next mattered more than anything else. Each meal was coupled with reflection on the day. Jaw dropping awe trumped exhaustion. A fifty two year-old’s context intersected with a seventeen year-old’s epiphanies. Pride infused routine glances. Quiet conversation was inspiration in the dark. Risk was brushed aside with a smile and a new handhold. 

Parenting, done right, is a climb into the clouds. Uncertainty is the path to perspective. Clarity leads to more questions and discovery. Mountain climbing seemed to be the ideal place for our increasingly rare ‘teachable’ moments. Yet, a mountain in the far reaches of India is not required to have your own tapestry of bonding and letting go.

This tapestry is created by sharing an experience.

An event, a moment, a weekend, a visit, a vista - when shared - leads to bonding. This is easier to do when the “sharee” is your kid who can’t drive off. But come 16, and his newfound wings, the young adult needs to be invited back for an experience.

Memorable experiences sustain an invisible bond. 

Be the architect of shared experience. Creatively craft your experiences.

• Going to a movie isn’t the answer. Making a movie is. 
• Dinner out is too easy. Creating a dinner is deliciously visceral.
• Giving a gift is too one sided. The gift of time lasts forever.
• Playing a board game is okay. Rolling the dice on a new adventure is pure magic.

Dividends from your mutual experience will unfold well after it has passed. 

You secure a bond when letting go is a distant memory.

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership

Exploring the Right Amount of Adversity - India's Himalayas

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sun, Jul 20, 2014 @ 10:30 AM

Adversity is the wellspring of wisdom.

It’s the foundation of character.

Without adversity, your inner power atrophies

and your moral compass can lose true north.


Our team of 13 Westerners set out to follow the steps of devout Hindus who, over the centuries, have set out to climb Shrikhand Mahadev (17,195 ft). Noted as one of the toughest pilgrimages in the world – it became evident how adversity would help us expand possibility.

Pic1 JACK 

The thin air of the Himalayas combined with the dramatic terrain coupled for a classic journey of “one step at a time.”

 Pic2 Max

It took three travel days plus three tough climbing days to get to base camp. Well above the tree-line we planned a rest day to assimilate our systems to the 14,000+ altitude.

 Pic3 sunset base camp

The day of the climb we were nervous and excited. There were a number of massive glaciers on unforgiving angles which required walking crampons to secure our footing.

 Pic4 Ice Climb

As mentioned, pilgrims and holy Sadhus also made the journey. With flimsy shoes and rudimentary walking sticks. Their faith drove them past physical and rational limitations of what seemed possible.

 Pic5 Sadhu on the rocks

At every turn and 'false' peak, a new height revealed itself. At any given time, it seemed like we were close to the summit but another incline pushed its challenge in our faces.

 Pic6 Summit in view

Finally, we came over another 60+ degree climb to see the summit of Shrikhand Mahadev. When the peak was in view – the final push was on.

 Pic7 Guides at blessing 

At 17,195 feet our guides and our team were greeted by a Sadhu who lit incense and chanted a Hindu blessing.

 Pic8 Vince and Max at Summit

Together, Max and I celebrated reaching the summit. We thank all our team who supported us. HOPE was our fuel.

Our descent was easier than the climb, but going down was no less treacherous. Each careful step was clouded by exhaustion and some dehydration. We took longer than we expected to summit and descend. This meant we ran out of water and had to finish the 4,000 foot vertical round trip with nothing to drink. The day took over 11 hours. The last of our team descended after 12 and ½ hours.

 Pic10 Sheperd at sunrise

On the way back through the Kullu valley we came across sheep herders and more pilgrims.

 Pic11 Temple in village

A small town visit was like climbing into a time capsule – straight into the middle ages. Curious heads popped out of windows and doors to see a rare sighting of a Westerner. The question we were asked most often? "What are you doing here?" That was indeed, a profound question. Impossible to answer in just a few words. Although, adversity was thematic in every day we explored.

 Pic12 team break 

Most of our team pictured here.

Pic12 Max and Vince

Max and Vince Poscente feeling grateful for an extraordinary experience into the heart of India’s Himalayas.

We experienced the 'right' amount of adversity to grow as son and father, as adventurers and as part of a historic pilgrimage. It was the trek of a lifetime - one we will always share in the corner of our memories.

Thank you for joining us!

Tags: Goals

DAY 15 - Thank you sponsors, team members and followers

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sat, Jul 19, 2014 @ 12:29 AM

Max Poscente - Thanking my sponsors:

15 mountain scene

Thank you to all the sponsors who joined us to the top of the world.

Father's Heart Project

Thomas Franchise Solutions

Estes, Okon, Thorne & Carr

Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance

Endeavor Configure Price Quote

Goff's Hamburgers

Stagen Institute

American Leather

Aegis Global

Mutual Capital Alliance

First Rate

Which Wich

Crossing Rivers Health

Sewell Automotive

United Airlines

I will be bringing back your flag. It will represent the Sir Edmund Hillary saying, “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” I feel luck to have shared this with you and to share this climb with my dad. (He did pretty good for an old guy ;-) Best wishes – onward and upward. Max Poscente


DAY 14 - The Himalayan Queen

Posted by Vince Poscente on Fri, Jul 18, 2014 @ 12:39 AM

Max reporting from The Himalayan Queen

14 Himalayan Queen resized 600

We left this ‘hill station’ travelling on the Himalayan Queen – a UNESCO World Heritage Train. We connected through Shatabadi to Delhi. Is was a long day but we were all in high spirits. At night we celebrated our success and friendship with an amazing Indian meal.

We reflected on the age-old traditions of the Kullu Valley. We talked about the Kullu Oracle for our blessings to climb the mountain. We smiled as we talked about the holy pilgrims and cultural evenings we encountered. Most of all we were grateful for a once in a life time experience.

Tags: Goals

DAY 13 - onto Jeeps for more India adventure

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Jul 17, 2014 @ 12:34 AM

Max reporting on the road again...

13 on the road resized 600

To complete our mountain climbing expedition we have transitioned into Jeeps which took us from Nirmand to Shimla. We travelled on the beautiful Hindustan Road. Shimla is described as the queen of hill stations and was the summer capital of the British Empire. It is now the administrative and political capital of Himachal Pradesh. We stayed in an actual hotel. The shower was the single best shower I have ever had!!!

Tags: Goals

DAY 12 - Bidding farewell to brothers from across the world

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Jul 16, 2014 @ 12:28 AM

Report from Max Poscente:

Last night we camped in Thachru. A pristine jewel of the Himalayas. 

Today we hiked to Nirmand village. There were amazing temples as we camped beside the beautiful village. At a campfire we bid farewell to the porters and trekking staff who had been with us this past eleven days. We leave the trail behind us.

12 fond farewell resized 600

Our porters' beautiful smiles and kind ways complement their amazing strength and stamina. These amazing people would break camp for us as we hiked ahead. They would pass us and have camp ready when we arrived. They are humble, strong, gentle and kind. It was a fond farewell to brothers living across the world.

Tags: Goals

Day 11 - The way back down - Safely and Happy

Posted by Vince Poscente on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 @ 12:16 AM

Did we make it or not? Why not tell you now. One reason, our theme of this climb was based on a Sir Edmund Hillary quote, "It is not the mountain we conquer. But ourselves." I will let you know. In the meantime, I will personally reflect on what I have learned. We Americans put so much emphasis on reaching the top that we forget the importance of our inner journey as well.

Max Poscente reporting:

Every step down is a step into more oxygen. We leave behind us raw and unforgiving nature as we return to civilization.

11 Jeff Salz resized 600

It is amazing to live without all the comforts we become used to. Electricity. Toasters. WIFI. Board games. Our expedition leader, Jeff Salz (pictured above) told us, “Nature is the lazy teachers’ classroom.” What an education it was – and continues to be!

Tags: Goals

Improving Your 'Visualization' - Olympic Speaker Insights

Posted by Vince Poscente on Tue, Feb 18, 2014 @ 02:30 PM

It’s safe to assume Olympians visualize their performance before hand. BUT... there is a special sequence of imagery to cement peak performance before your own event. 

Watch a figure skater, bobsledder, skier, snowboarder (or any other Olympian for that matter) and you will eventually see them visualizing the way they want to perform. What you may not know is the comprehensive nature of their visualization and imagery.

 Olympic public speaker

This three-part approach is what I've used for two decades as an Olympic motivational speaker and what you can use in your quest to be the best at what you do.

  1. Experien-tualize it. This is a new word to better describe visualization and imagery. Just seeing something in your mind's eye is not nearly effective as adding the other five senses of sound, touch, taste and smell. Bring in all the senses to the imagination and the subconscious is imprinted at a more profound level. If you are about to go on an important sale or a pressure situation - experience every detail in your fertile imagination.
  2. Outcomes not ideas. What are the outcomes you seek? As you experien-tualize your performance, be clear on the outcomes. Who will be impacted? What are the benefits therein? Where will you end up? Why will this feel good? When will everything happen the way you want it to? Simply having an idea of what you want is weak. Being deliberate about the outcomes further enhances the performance you are asking from your subconscious mind.
  3. Before, During & After. Don't just experien-tualize the performance. Run through the exact experience you want before your peak performance, your optimum self during and the exact results after crossing the metaphorical finish line. Athletes who don't visualize after the run crash more than those who see themselves crossing the finish line safely and strongly. 

In summary, experien-tualize the outcomes you want before, during and after your performance and you will reach your goals fast -- just like your Olympic heroes competing in Sochi.

Tags: Motivational, Inspirational

Facebook's Olympic Friends - Olympic Speaker Insights

Posted by Vince Poscente on Mon, Feb 17, 2014 @ 07:00 PM

If you've never attended an Olympic Games as a tourist, host city resident or as an athlete, you can only imagine the sense of community this event creates. None of us in 1992 could have imagined the power of connection social media would do to reconnect our significant friendships.

As odd as it may seem, your event only lasts a relatively brief period - in some cases, seconds. All that training, all the tribulations and mountains of preparation. Yet the climb is infused with cherished memories of friendships and brother/sister-hood.

Willamette Pass athletes

Some of our best friends were on the other teams on the world cup circuit. Yes, we each belonged to a team leading up to race or game day. Individual athletes competed for personal excellence and to summit the medal podium - if possible. But after every event we were a family. We broke bread together, we shared rides, toasted local beer, and even, exchanged competitive insights (but not the best advice ;-)

If you found your way to an Olympic Games as a tourist you will generate fodder for flashbacks. As I write I have dozens. Here are a few I have as a tourist from 1988 in Seoul:

  • Chatting with a Hungarian weightlifter on the subway (his frame took up 1.5 seats)  
  • An unforgettable night at the Lufthansa House
  • Celebrating with a Danish Olympian after the closing ceremonies
The flurry of sound bites, stories destined for Olympic keynote speeches, medal runs dedicated to family members who've passed away -- all accumulate to memories infused in the hearts of friendships beyond compare. 
Those of us who competed together in Albertville are each weighing into Facebook or other conversations of the extraordinary time we shared in our Games. In Sochi - memories are being made in the same way.
Three months after the Olympic Winter Games I overheard my dad talk to a buddy of his. As if it was yesterday, the echoes of his voice fill the air, "Those Olympic Games were the greatest experience of my entire life." 
Three years later, my dad passed away.
What a gift it is to share an Olympic experience with those we love.
Whether they are family, acquaintances, teammates, fellow competitors or Facebook friends. 

Tags: Motivational