When the System Is Not Working

Posted by Vince Poscente on Tue, Jul 07, 2020 @ 11:38 AM

Here's a quick BREAKTHROUGH video on how to approach a "system" that is not working.

With the backdrop of a swimming pool that cost hundreds of dollars to throw possible solutions to getting it 'balanced' - the ultimate solution was to drain the pool and start over. With systemic failure in organizations, institutions and even relationships, the higher the complexity the more a "start over" approach may be the best solution. Clearly, this can be a painful process. In this isolated case, draining the pool was costly but, in the long run, less costly than a series of chemical additives, backwashing and water loss. Oh, and the physical labor involved in washing away the persistent algae with gallons of muriatic acid and the safety protocol involved makes it even more arduous.

BUT - still - necessary.

If you're in a position of influence to change a system, you may find yourself in a similar situation. "Draining the pool" is a metaphor of cleaning house. Which is a metaphor for wiping the slate clean. Which is a metaphor for starting over. Enough mixed metaphors already.

Get honest with the system you are a part of. Can you influence the courage necessary to start over.

It will be painful, costly and taxing, but you will find it is worth it for those who want to play in your pool later. (ugh.... another metaphor ;-) Reach out to us if you need help with the tactics necessary to start over. Leaders, this is your chance for change.

Tags: Goals, Business Leadership, Changing Times