Protect Your Business | Think Like a Raccoon

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Nov 04, 2020 @ 06:23 PM

3 Ways to Protect Your Business

If you're facing a veritable rodent in your midst; be it a hacker trying to disrupt your business, a knock-off competitor who wants to steal your clients/prospects, a rip-off copycat who can't come up with their own ideas... you have to think like them. Using a metaphor of raccoons that set-up residence in our attic, here are a few ideas to fend off the business rodents who can infest your space.

  1. Don't Blindly Trust the Professionals. 

    Without going into details about how the roofing pros didn't ensure raccoons got into our attic, suffice to say they fell short of keeping the sound of raccoons ballroom dancing on our upstairs ceiling. Thousands of dollars later, the "pros" were never invited back while the raccoons never needed an invitation.
  2. Overestimate the Tenacity of Your Competitors.

    It turns out that raccoons are pretty tenacious creatures. I custom built a layer of hardwood and stapled chicken wire all along the point where the raccoons were getting in. I even hired a small man to squirm into the space between the roof and soffits to ensure the barrier was screwed in. Months later, the sound of raccoons doing a remake of Saving Private Ryan echoed through our entire attic space. Again, I humanly relocated our furry guests. 
  3. Overcompensate Your Barrier(s) to Entry. With the roofing company and skinny helpers permanently in my rear-view mirror I decided to take matters into my own hands. With the barrier of wood and chicken wire torn back and tossed aside by raccoons determined to exercise their squatter's rights, I squeezed into the tiny space. I sprayed Coyote Urine in and around the opening. I tripled the number of screws in the wood/wire barrier. I caulked the entire perimeter. I cut out sheet metal to cover the space with extra-flaps to surround the top, sides and bottoms. Screwed another dozen screws into any available opening. Then caulked the entire length and breadth of the metal edges. 

By thinking like a raccoon (not lazy roofers or uninvested skinny guys) did I conquer this first world problem. May your business be fortified by your attention to not blindly trusting professionals, overestimating the tenacity of your competitors, and overcompensating any barriers to entry into your business space. 

Tags: Goals, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Money

The Hazards of a Self-Serving Bias

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Nov 04, 2020 @ 03:57 PM

A self-serving bias can cut two ways. Avoid any form of self-destruction.

As you'll see in this video, if you take credit and say, "Those good things are due to me," then you have a self-serving bias. If you say, "Those bad things are not my fault, they happen to me because of someone or something else," then you have the other side-of-the-sword where you are playing the victim.

Basically, having these kinds of biases hobble your growth.

The solution is to let go. Let go of the credit. Let go of the victim language. Just let go of the bias altogether.

It all correlates to the versions of the truth. There's your truth. The other person's truth. Then theirs likely 'the truth.'

Having a bias may make you feel good. You may feel vindicated. You may feel 'right.' Your bias may launch you into, "The good fight." But if bias has anything to do with ego or fear, it is a bias that is on the road to dysfunction.

If you absolutely HAVE to HAVE bias, then have a bias for LOVE while you have a bias against hate.

As Martin Luther King said, "Hate is too great a burden to bear."

Look for ways you can observe without judgment. Look for opportunities to clarify someone's point of view. Challenge yourself to actively listen over silently formulating what you're going to say next. Self-serving biases diminish your relationships with others, and, get this, your self.

Breakthroughs in life happen when you are constantly in the solution loop of listening, not talking. Test out what you think and challenge your own beliefs. Be part of a conversation not a one-way stream of your biases. Being right is far less important than being happy.

Let go of the self-serving bias.

Tags: Self Development, Sales, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times, Safety

Be the Architect of Your Truth

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Oct 08, 2020 @ 12:42 PM

Here's your breakthrough for today. You'll gravitate to that which you believe to be true, so be the architect of that truth. Let me say that again, backwards. Be the architect of your truth so that you can gravitate towards that truth.

We could spend an hour on this topic and give you all sorts of good examples of celebrities that had a truth in their mind and they gravitated towards that, positive and negative. Gosh, the first person that comes to mind is Muhammad Ali.

He thought he was the greatest in the world, he told everybody he was the greatest in the world, and you know what? He probably was, in terms of boxing, the greatest in the world.

There are people that have a truth they are the architect of. There are some people, it just occurs to them. So be the person that chooses the truth that you want to gravitate towards. Be the architect of that truth, design it.

Now, how?

Well, repetition, repeating things over and over help. You keep telling somebody something, in some form or fashion it's gonna come true. Negatives can occur too.

If you're not conscious of your truth, negative things can occur because you may have a subconscious truth that's going to take you backwards.

So be the architect for maybe a positive truth, and really design that in a way that has not just repetition, but has emotion attached to it. When you think about it, you feel it inside, there's this buzz inside, you just go, oh, I would love to do that.

So when you establish that truth, you'll gravitate towards that.

You do that, well, we got this.

Tags: Goals, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Money

Choosing a Side

Posted by Vince Poscente on Mon, Jun 01, 2020 @ 11:23 AM

I met a young man in a war-torn part of the world.

HIs father was killed by 'the other side.'

His sister was killed by 'the other side.'

He said, "I have every reason to hate the other side."

Then he voiced a realization I'll never forget.

"When you choose a side, you become part of the problem."

A powerful statement. Yet, a question lingers.

Can you choose a side and become part of the solution?


If you choose hate, you are part of the problem.

If you choose love, the problem goes away.

Don't choose a side.

Choose love.

You have a choice to live in one simple question.

How will I serve with love?

Tags: Motivational, Radical Safety

7 Highly Effective Virtual Meeting Tactics

Posted by Vince Poscente on Fri, May 15, 2020 @ 04:07 PM

Deliver experiences that put everyone in the front row.

Whether your virtual event has 10,000 people on it or 100, follow these highly effective approaches to have maximum impact and lasting influence. I've been doing video production for years (starting with a vampire movie when I was 12 to documentaries to live feeds for World Championship Olympic Wrestling, etc). Couple that with me award-winning presentation skills and I know you'll benefit from this video. Meeting planners and C-Suite leaders agree that their most valuable asset, human capital, needs to be educated, entertained, and motivated for a successful online event. Watch this 1.5-minute video to make the most from your virtual meeting.

1. Go Spielberg, Not Fosse

Think production not theater. Use multiple cameras for a dynamic experience.

2. Hire a Production Host

Your IT Guy Aint' THE GUY. A Production Host knows Tech AND Production

3. Hire Presenters to Set Momentum and Tone

Pro Speakers Keep the Energy High. Execs Lead the Way.

 4. Assign Moderators for Optimum Flow

Ensure you have PreSet Polls, Q&A Plants and Meeting Rooms

5. Entertain, Educate and Motivate

Ensure each session has a healthy dose of each. 

6. Turn Your Panel into an Interview Festival

Assign 3 interviewers per panelist. Make your audience the hero.

7. Pre, During, Post Engagement Tools

Set the stage with Pre Event Materials that come-to-life during and after the event.



Tags: Goals, Sales, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Changing Times

Virtual Presentations to Last a Lifetime

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, May 14, 2020 @ 09:46 AM

Everybody's running around trying to do what the competition's not doing, especially when there's chaos. Here's how to have a competitive advantage.

Instead of trying to do what the competition's not doing, imagine your competition is the highest performers, that person that does what you do, and instead of doing what that person's not doing, try this. Do what the competition is not willing to do. What is that high performer not willing to do?

Typically, those are the things you're not willing to do either. The biggest advantage of virtual presentations is we're creating a dialogue, people communicating better. The biggest mistake is we're taking a bucket of content and dumping it on people's head and hoping that it sticks. The only way content is gonna stick is through an experience, and it's especially true with virtual presentations.

For you, I've created a virtual presentation for you that accomplishes three things.

First, that it's ENTERTAINING. The people are engaged in the story because of storytelling. This recreational skier to Olympian in four years is also the motivational piece.

The second piece, being MOTIVATED to move forward and to be inspired by someone else's story that draws them in to that experience.

The third piece is the CONTENT, the content that gets inside their head that's both innovative and counterintuitive. The people go, "Okay, that's a great idea. "Hadn't thought of it that way." 

For example, use a gold dot is a trigger for your emotional buzz. I put them everywhere. On the back of my cell phone. On the odometer in my car. On the bathroom mirror. On my toothbrush. A gold dot triggers that emotional buzz of where you want to go.

When you have an emotional quotient attached to where you want to go, your people are going to get exceed their goals faster than you ever thought possible.

Listen, bring in a professional speaker. As an Olympian, a "New York Times" best-selling author, and Hall of Fame speaker, I'm able to take people on an unforgettable experience in a virtual presentation where they're engaged. It sticks for a lifetime. The best part of my virtual keynotes is they are interactive.

We had a comment the other day, the attendee said, "I felt like I was in the front row." Put your audience in the front row of this virtual presentation and given them an experience. We had zero people drop off the call. Zero. Zero people because they were entertained, educated, and motivated all at the same time.

Let's do those three things within your virtual presentation. 

Tags: Goals, Self Development, Sales, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times, Radical Safety, Safety Training, CustomerExperience

The Science of Alignment

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Apr 08, 2020 @ 03:16 PM

The ratio between the conscious and subconscious mind is the exact same ratio between an ant and an elephant.

The ant is the conscious mind, the elephant the subconscious. The ant is on the back of your elephant making decisions on direction. You make a decision, I wanna go west, it starts marching on the back of the elephant going west. What if the elephant is headed east, which way is the ant really going?

East thinking you're going west. But it's human nature. We make decisions and owners and managers, I wanna go west, I'm gonna go on a diet. Subconscious mind, I don't think so. And so we may have unconscious reasons why not and end up in a place where we go how did I end up here again?

Yet, how much better would you compete with this kind of alignment?

How much better could you do what the competition's not willing to do if you had 2,000 neurons and four billion neurons headed in the same direction.

Tags: Goals, Self Development, Sales, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Money, Changing Times, Neuroscience of Safety

A Gift for Covid Campers - The Heroes Climb

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sun, Apr 05, 2020 @ 08:00 AM

A gift for Covid Campers everywhere!

The Heroes Climb, The Ascent from I to Us

Think back to the first time you realized you were meant for something greater. That thought was your first step. You set-out towards a peak beyond your sights. What happened to that journey of yours? Are you isolated in your Covid Camp? Moreover, what will you do in the months ahead?

Free eBook The Heroes Climb by Vince PoscenteThere are scores of heroes. Look past the iconic heroes of legend or stardom. Turn your gaze to everyday heroes who pivoted from I to us.

As you widen the scope of possibilities, you become aware of a mountain, patiently waiting for you. As you ascend, your power will shift from I to us.

Normally, I give motivational keynote speeches about how “I” went from recreational skier to the Olympics in just four years. This was followed by how others could accelerate towards their goals through an award-winning speaking career and as a New York Times bestselling author.

Then, the “Great Recession” hit. And the journey uphill to find “Us” began. With this new mountain of a health and economic crisis, your opportunity awaits. This book is for you to venture on your Heroes Climb.


Tags: Goals, Self Development, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times

Everyday Heroes During the COVID-19 Crisis - Thank you

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Apr 02, 2020 @ 08:00 PM

If you are delivering packages or critical healthcare...

If you are helping a neighbor or a person you've never met...

If you are giving care or giving some of your own well earned savings...

You SELFLESSNESS is appreciated beyond measure.

Thank you! You ARE an everyday hero!

Tags: Motivational, Inspirational, Changing Times, Safety

Covid Campers THANK Our Caregivers

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Apr 02, 2020 @ 05:50 PM

From Nurses to grocery store works, from Doctors to drivers, from Caregivers to caring neighbors - THANK YOU. Here is a video to share and say thank you to those who are keeping us safe and serving in extraordinary ways.


Tags: Motivational, Changing Times, Safety