Hey, COVID Campers, Vince Poscente here. Willie Sutton use to rob banks, and he was asked by the media, "Why do you rob banks?" He said, "Well that's where the money is." That's something we can pay attention to. The money's flowing in a different direction right now.
Well, where is that money flowing? Pay attention to that question. The following will give you an example answer.
My sister has a small events business booking speakers. She was ticking along. Poof, in March, 2020 that just went away. (hopefully, temporarily) She immediately went, "Well, where's the money?" And she said, "Well, wait a minute, "people are delivering groceries." And she got on some app and then started delivering groceries with her kids (to get her kids involved). She really just followed where the money is, because some people need help with getting groceries delivered.
Follow the money. Clearly, it's not about robbing banks. It's about paying attention to where the flow of money is, and you'll be able to get through this. Particularly the COVID Campers who have been laid off recently.
You'll get your job back, or you'll get a new job.
Things will be better. Take care. Hang in there.