Only One Kind of Good Excuse - 70 Sec Motivational eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Feb 18, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

An excuse is never a good idea, unless there's a gift in mind. The gift doesn't have to be tied in a bow. The excuse doesn't have to be a set-back.

Anniversaries, special events, an idle Wednesday or most recently, Valentine's Day can be an excuse worthy of a gift you'd like to give a loved one. Recently, Mom opened an email. It was a 90 second video acknowledging the extraordinary person she is, and the gift she was a part of with health care professionals.

This past Saturday, she sent an email to her inner circle.

Rose_PatchMy son Vince has always liked to make his own Valentine gifts for his mom.
When he was age 7 or 8 he took an empty metal juice can.
He turned it upside down. Vincent envisioned a work of art that his mom could treasure.
On his own, he found hands full of flat-head 3 inch long nails in a jar on his Dad's workbench.
The family-sized juice can was about as tall as our, then, glass milk bottles or my vase which sometimes held flowers from my garden. But this was February 14th, in Edmonton. My flower garden was covered with snow. Obviously, Vince wanted to give me a bouquet of flowers.

Vince polished up the metal can, a little. Then he created a one-of-a-kind vase of flowers. Each "flower" was represented by a nail that he carefully hammered into the flat end of the juice can. He arranged the nails so precisely. He was proud as peacock when he presented this masterpiece to his Mom. I never ever had a more charming floral arrangement!!!!!!
Rose_patch_videoI still have it at home in Canada. It certainly is true; it's the thought that counts.

This year, Vince edited some meaningful words from a DVD of a speaking engagement.
He was addressing a room full of pharmacists.
This home-made Valentine showed up as one of my emails.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did/do.
Happy Valentine's Day. (Sent from Patricia Poscente's iPad)

It helps to have an excuse to remind someone special in your life how special they are. Maybe this 70 second eBrief is excuse enough for you to send a gift of your time... or a tin can with nails in it. The thoughts you share do indeed count as a treasured gift.

Tags: Self Development, Team Building, Motivational

3 Meeting Trends Increase Event ROI

Posted by Vince Poscente on Tue, Feb 17, 2015 @ 10:30 AM

Check out how these three meeting trends lead to engagementretention and execution for increased ROI from your event:

3_meeting_trends1. Immersive Encounter is the number one trend in meetings and conventions. No longer is a talking-head enough for your attendees. Bring information to life through music, visuals and experiential story telling. We've found Immersive Encounters create a different conference experience when I use Olympic music, interaction as if they are skiing down the mountain, energizing video clips and stories told as if your audience is experiencing the journey.

2. Mobile Conference Apps keep your audience members engaged throughout the conference. This direct form of contact can communicate everything from speaker content to last minute changes. The Big Goals Fast Institute has a free app to ensure attendees get engaged, in real time, reaching their own short and long term goals. This becomes a link between emotional impact and organization-wide execution.

3. Extend the Life Cycle of a three or four day meeting. Before the event, we've found our teaser videos drum-up interest. Attendees already research who you’ve booked. Planners who get ahead of that curve build excitement. During and after the event, we deliver content designed to have a long term effect for higher retention and a significant return on investment.

When you combine all three trends you increase audience engagement, content retention and cascading execution. This means, a return on your meeting investment.

Ask Us How your meeting can have a better ROI from one keynote speech.

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership

I Just Want to Stop - 70 Sec Motivational eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Feb 04, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

It was impressive to see him push through the discomfort. His shoulders were undoubtedly burning with lactic acid. He kept lifting. Rep after rep. Doing dumbbell presses beside him amplified my internal voice, “I just want to stop.” Being a motivational keynote speaker doesn’t mean you are only concerned about supporting others for an hour at a convention. Between sets, I mentioned how impressive his drive was. He said the exact same phrase, “I just want to stop.”


You likely know about the Japanese word coined in 1986, Kaizen. It means “continuous improvement” and is generally used in business settings. Toyota and Canon facilitate and process 60 to 70 suggestions per employee per year. In the spirit of kaizen, improvement isn’t a new year’s resolution or an annual planning meeting outcome. It is multiple times per day. Yet, what about the uncomfortable nature of improvement? Instinct has us each think, “I just want to stop.”

Germaine was born in Jamaica. He came to the US with his family and is now married to a dietician. He has no athletic agenda. He isn’t preparing for any thing in particular. He just wants to improve his health. His motivation to show up at the gym was strong enough to get past that feeling of quitting, avoiding or procrastinating. Moreover, before he showed up, a little voice may have been trying to talk him out of experiencing imminent pain. Germaine is just like you and me. We want to stay away from pain. But some of us meet the discomfort straight on. Some avoid it at all costs.

How then, can us mere mortals, summon the willpower to supersede the “I just want to stop” reflex?

1. Simple Motion – There can be all sorts of excuses. It’s snowing outside. My stomach hurts. The remote control is lonely. Getting past the all the hurdles between you and a completed workout or task can be intimidating. But simple motions are not. Throw the covers off. Brush your teeth. Find your exercise gear. Pick up your car keys. Get in the car. Drive. Just focus and act on the next obvious step.

2. The Prize – Keeping your attention on the outcome/prize takes your attention off the little voice of doubt.

3. Bigger Pain – Attach a bigger pain to not working out or task. What are the consequences? What would it feel like to identify with the saying, “I skipped my workout today. That makes it 12 months in a row now.”

typing at the beachIt is ironic. This picture is taken over looking a beach in the Bahamas the day before delivering a motivational keynote speech. Where do I want to be? Reading a book with my toes luxuriating in the sand. But, this eBrief needs to get done (for you) before I workout (for a healthy future) which is a hurdle to get past before those toes wiggle in paradise (the prize). But there's that voice again...

I just want to stop.

Tags: Goals, Motivational

Blending Before Bleeding - 70 Sec Motivational eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Jan 28, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

It was an innocent road trip. Four acquaintances, fans of Jack Johnson, hopped into Chester’s SUV for a three-day escape from San Francisco to Napa Valley. By the end of the experience, three friends knew they’d never travel with Chester again. It was a shame. Adorable Chester, burdened by an idiosyncrasy, alienated three potential friends.

Everyone wants to feel special. Some tattoo or pierce themselves. Others are motivated by hairstyles, moustaches, building muscles or following hobbies. Feeling unique and authentic are passionate pursuits. Yet, allow one genuine, but annoying idiosyncratic behavior encroach on someone else’s homeostasis and alienation sets in.

germsChester’s idiosyncrasy? Mysaphobia (aka germophobia). Indeed, germs are no one’s friend. Yet, Chester made it an unavoidable anxiety, as if he were swinging a gladiator’s spiked ball at the end of a chain. The group couldn’t go anywhere without feeling they were stepping on his Purelled toes. A bag of chips had to be poured into individual plates because of what he described as, “feces covered hands.” Breaking bread as a group was a version of Cirque de Soleil. His SUV was guarded like the inside of a Hazmat suit.

Chester, 45, is handsome, friendly, kind, generous, fun and adventurous. Yet, he is frustrated much of the time. He is single and struggling in life. Like the rest of us, he will find his way. But his journey will be burdensome if he continues to alienate others.

Being special is important. Having idiosyncrasy’s is normal. Where, pray tell, is the line between acceptable and repulsive?

Let’s say you have an idiosyncrasy such as being blunt. You don’t intend to be cruel. You don’t mean to offend. But you can leave a swath of hurt feelings every time you open your pie hole.

Or, your idiosyncrasy is being an introvert. This perfectly acceptable trait doesn’t mean you’re ignoring someone. But the message being interpreted is arrogance or distrust. Extroverts can be the victim of the diametric interpretations of insecurity or self-centeredness.

The answer lies in blending before bleeding. One of the life skills gained from learning aikido, or most other martial arts, is the art of blending with an oncoming force. Instead of striking or blocking an opponent, blending with the force will avoid any injury. If the oncoming force is insignificant, then there is no harm. If the oncoming force appears overwhelming, then blending is the key.

If you’re a passionate extrovert or patient introvert then allow people to know what you’re all about. Communicate your intent with others first. If you’re blunt, then preface your intent before your gums start flapping. Whatever your idiosyncrasy, blend with communication not defensiveness or counter attacks.

In Chester’s case, he never attempted to temper his idiosyncrasy by blending his needs. For example, comfortably admitting he was “something of a germophobe but never wanting the idiosyncrasy to impinge on the road trip” would have done wonders. He could have brought his own little bag of chips. Used hand sanitizer without a fuss.

Blend before bleeding.

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership

Goal Chauvinism - 70 Sec Motivational eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Jan 21, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

Alex climbed in the car. Smiling. (She always smiles - unless something weighs on her.) Within seventy seconds, she dropped the pensive dumbell she had picked up. "Dad, you're 53 years old... what's the point?" Hmmmmm. The point? That 'point' may be foreign to Goal Chauvinists.  

Alex's car was in the shop. Being picked up from school, she innocently reveled in the chauffer treatment. "Hi Dad." "Hey beautiful." She trumped the conversation with a typical parent's question, "How was your daaaay?"

Alex and Dad"Fun actually. Every Wednesday is a 'Free' day. I do something outside of work. I had a one-on-one coaching session with a former National Hockey League player. I learned a lot cool stuff."

Silence. Pause. Restrained sigh.

"Um, Dad? Now I don't want to hurt your feelings but... well... Dad, you're 53 years old. It's not like you're going anywhere with hockey. I mean, what's the point? Do you think the Dallas Stars are looking for an old guy to add middle-age speed and baby-boomer finesse to their team?" 

It must seem odd from the outside looking in. Why indeed?

We each have goals. You likely have a place you want to arrive in your life. A house. A car. A paycheck. A record deal. A contract. A promotion. A milestone of some kind. 

Moreover, goals land somewhere in the future. Goal achievers have clarity on the path towards a dream. They are aspirational. They exude intention and determination. 

Driving towards a specific and measurable goal is mission-critical for any high achiever. Right?


Alex may be a dreaded... "Goal Chauvinist."

Goal Chauvinists buy into the popular notion; proper goals must be clear, measurable, time specific and realistic. 

Quality goals don't have to be tangible. At times, they don't need to be anything other than a state of mind.

This perspective came into view when Jim Shaw, Sr. spoke to his growing staff in late 80's. The staff Christmas party was overflowing with 300 plus employees. He approached the microphone and said with true humbleness, "I never imagined we would be this big. I just thought we were doing the right thing for Canadians."

Today, Shaw Communications is a corporate entity in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Lead by a founder who admitted to not having what a 'Goal Chauvinist' might expect. Instead, he celebrated what many high achievers thrive on, an energetic state. A powerful state of mind. In other words, he did what gives him energy. Values like: new business opportunities, connecting people, building a significant brand, ambition, entrepreneurial adventure.

Taking hockey lessons at 53 is fascinating when you've played since you're five years old. Learning new techniques, being able to contribute a higher skill level for our beer-league team, replacing inefficiency with practical know how. Energetically, it is a huge BUZZ to be on a growth curve. Especially at, not despite being, 53 years old.

Start with what gives you energy. Apply your values and tactics but keep doing what gives you energy. THAT is the point!  

Tags: Goals, Motivational

Frustrated? Alone? Perfect! - 70 Sec Motivational eBrief

Posted by Vince Poscente on Thu, Jan 15, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

You could hear the frustration oozing from the phone. For seven years he has been trying to solo-climb out of his financial situation. "You've been there," he said deflated, "What do you do?"

"Three things: Be happy now. Add value. Be grateful."

now value grateful

You can't control your environment. You can control what you bring to your environment.

  1. Be Happy Now - Of all the things that each of us needs reminding about - Being present or in the moment, is  the most important. The past can weigh around your neck and wrists like wood stocks of old. The imaginary impact the future can have is equivalent to those dreams that seem so real, while you, in fact, lay safely in bed. If now is all you have then, why not be happy now? Also, you may notice that people are drawn to people having fun. 
  2. Add Value - Woody Allen once said that '99 percent of life is showing up.' Cute but irrelevant today. Not even close! (Unless you add the words, "with value.") What value can you bring to people today? What talents do you have that give you energy. Using those talents to add value raises your energy level. And people are attracted to energy. '99 percent of life is showing up with value.'
  3. Be Grateful - Gratitude is a calming force. No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. If you are in the state of gratitude, your brain has no room for the state of FREAKING OUT. Gratitude is also the great equalizer. When you are thankful your energy rises. Those who are grateful have an enlightened appeal. Gratitude is a natural magnet for other positive people.

Can you see the common thread on the path to getting out of a rut?

When you're happily adding value in a state of gratitude you attract like minded people. That is true wealth. Rich in spirit, friendships and opportunity set the stage for financial wealth too. 

When you're 'rich' in all manners of the word, does it get any better than that? "The rich get richer," yet moments ago you may have been frustrated and alone. How perfect is that?

Check AvailabilityCheck Availability

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership

Smarter I Work - Luckier I Get - 70 Second Motivation

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Jan 07, 2015 @ 03:00 AM

On a walk, a portion of a horseshoe poked out of the ground. Horseshoes are supposed to be lucky. This lead to remnants of the motivational saying attributed to Pro Golfer, Lee Trevino. “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” But in 2014 you may have felt a significant shift in our collective consciousness. Hard work isn’t enough any more. Smart work is the order of the day.


The romantic notion, “America is the land of opportunity (if you work hard).” The same goes for any developing or developed country. But today, hard work alone is a frustrating dead-end. Drive down the road and you’ll pass countless people working hard: washing cars, filling in potholes, serving customers, selling stuff. But recently we experienced a new realization: If I work hard, I will succeed – is only a half truth.

Hard work guarantees nothing! Zilch!

Case in point: Arturo Souza is an immigrant. When he moved to Canada he had to learn English. With a thick accent his first job was selling real estate. His sales manager gave him the script and the advice to financial freedom, “Call until someone says yes.”

Day after, agonizing day, Arturo sat at his cubical. As directed, from 3 to 7 pm, he went through the reverse directory, dialed and repeated, “Hello, my name is Arturo from Century 21 Real Estate. Are you planning on buying or selling a house now or in the near future?” There were a lot of new Realtors coming through the office. None stuck to the game plan better than Arturo. NONE worked harder at finding a client than Arturo. It was a feat of human perseverance to see him pound the phones. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Arturo had zero luck. NO LUCK. No business. But he worked harder than anyone at the office. What did he do wrong?

Onward there will be three character traits you will be forced to embrace if you want to create your own luck.

  1. Your Gift – You have a talent for solving certain problems. You have demonstrated a capacity to do something no one else in the room or the business was able to conquer. Blow people away with your gift. If you gift needs improving. Improve it.
  2. Your Drive - You have demonstrated drive in the past. Today, you may even have super-human drive like Arturo. Your drive will take you forward. Get serious about driving ahead with a smart, clear intention.
  3. Your Influence – You have a special allure. You have shown a capacity for influencing others. Authentically show up with an all-in mentality.

Just like hard work alone, any one of these character traits, in isolation, are not enough to succeed today. In order for your hard work to convert into “smart work” you must show up with your gift, drive and influence in concert!  
Might your 2015 mantra be...

“The smarter I work. The luckier I get.”

Tags: Sales, Motivational

Invitation to Join TidBitts - Your BIG GOALS in 1/2 the Time

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Nov 12, 2014 @ 03:00 AM

We have teamed up with TidBitts and invite you to do the same. Articles like this one will appear in your inbox every Monday morning. Click this link to sign up to 

How to Reach Your BIG GOALS in ½ the Time.

Is our 24/7, instant message, more-faster-now world eating us alive or setting us free?


A recent nationwide “Speed Survey” has some answers for us. The results reveal how we are seemingly, just surviving vs thriving. (I’ll save the stats on sex vs high speed technology until the end.)
- 9 out of 10 employees are feeling rushed several times per week if not every day
- 9 out of 10 feel they have to get more done in less time

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone but check this out:
- 1/2 feel that in order to succeed they need to slow things down
- yet 3/4 feel the pace of work will only increase in the next five years

There is a disconnect that must not be ignored here. Most of us are approaching or in the thick of overwhelm and more than half believe that slowing down is the answer to success but most are convinced things will only get faster. YIKES!

It reminds me of a nightmare where things only get worse the harder you try to get past the struggle.

Folks, there is an oncoming force and it is called “speed.” And a large percentage of corporate managers are ignoring this force.
- Over 2 out of 5 feel that management doesn’t understand the impact of the more-faster-now demands on the employees in our organizations.
- While 1 out of 3 employees are uncomfortable with the demands for speed in their company.

Somebody’s in for a wake-up call.
- 1/3rd of all respondents don’t feel their organization is embracing speed. 
- and 1/3rd people feel their organization is more stressful and intense than ever.

An interesting theme was revealed in the Speed Survey. We want to HAVE things faster, but we don’t necessarily want to DO things faster. Speed becomes a love, hate relationship and it is only going to paradoxically intensify.

According to Scott Cook, the Chairman and co-founder of Intuit (the makers of Quicken and Quick Books) says, there is a “speed tsunami that’s overtaking business and life.”

Where will the solution come from? How can we make the oncoming force of speed in our world our friend, not the enemy? The answer lies in being able to both embrace speed and harness this oncoming force that Cook talks about.

Now for the Sex vs High Speed Technology. 
- 1/3rd of our survey respondents would give up sex for week before they would give up their high speed internet connection or their email
- 1/3rd would pass on the PDA in favor or a week of whoopy.

So there you go. 

Life in the age of speed is truly interesting and one to be reckoned with. 

Harness speed and leave chaos behind.

Share this link with everyone you know and I will continue to give you great content on #TidBitts.

Tags: Goals, Motivational, Inspirational

3 Motivational Ingredients for Innovation at Work

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Oct 08, 2014 @ 03:00 AM

At the heart of Bloomberg’s Manhattan offices is the complimentary food court. Nothing brings people together like chow. But for Big Biz Bloomberg, food’s not on the leadership's menu. Instead, they know by bringing people together, there is a recipe for innovation.

Bloomberg’s HQ features, low barrier cubicles, open offices, glass conference rooms, elevators at every other floor and multiple, open staircases between levels. Central to their 23 stories, is the sixth floor. All traffic must channel through the lobby. The premise is concise. When people cross paths they make connected inroads towards progress.

Interaction by design is not new. Thomas Edison made sure his lab had plenty of interactive opportunities. Interfacing with people, materials, projects and environments was at the center of Edison’s innovation. In Edison’s words, “Hell, there are no rules here – we’re trying to accomplish something.”


Up until fairly recently, separating senior executives from employees was the norm. Now, personnel and officers routinely mix. A walk through the amped-up Zappo’s facility or an elder corporate entity, State Farm, floor plans feature an open, collaborative work environment as the new-normal. 

The first obvious question: “Isn’t an open environment distracting?” According to Michael Bloomberg, shutting out distraction is a skill. The assumption is that people will adapt. Take a random sampling of employees who work in an interactive workspace and the response is consistent. Yes, you kind of adapt. You wear headphones. It can still be distracting and frustrating.

The International Management Facility Association states that nearly 70 percent of US employees work in open office plans. But the love affair with a collaborative setting by minimizing cubicles or offices has proved ineffective when the “ability to focus was not also considered,” evidenced in a recent study by the Gensler design agency. In other words, if collaboration trumps focus, neither is effective. 

Google is known for its obsession with tweaking an idea until they get it right. Such is the case with their office space. Open work areas are mixed with, flexible furniture, private and semi-private settings. It seems the ghost of Thomas Edison is alive and well at Google.

Well ahead of his time, Edison instinctively knew a collaborative dynamic was critical in the pursuit of innovation. He mixed machine shop equipment, alongside chemical laboratories, office space and wood lathes for prototyping models. Although he set aside his own office space, it doubled as the company library. Each employee was encouraged to work in the library, or any other space, as desired. Thomas Edison favored networks over hierarchies. His dedication to a learning centric environment was clearly a boon to 20th century innovations.

Here are the 3 Motivational Ingredients for Innovation at Work

Be a:
• “Cross Path” Planner – Structure settings and processes for crossing paths with your network of colleagues. 
• “Quiet Retreat” Strategist – Erase distractions when needed.
• “Collaboration” Mixologist – Don’t just rely on a dyad for idea exchange. Make sure your collaboration cocktail has 3 or more people in it. 

Add this recipe to your innovation cookbook for delicious, motivational progress.


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Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership

5 Signs Busy is Holding You Back

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Oct 01, 2014 @ 03:00 AM

Yesteryear, if you told someone you’re busy they may empathize.

Tell people you’re busy today and a little voice in the ether goes, “Uh oh!” 

A respected colleague, Victoria Labalme talks about how bringing up “busy” leads to a series of one-up-manship. 

“How are you?”

“I’m really busy. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m crazy busy. I’ve got busy, on top of busy.”

As Labalme astutely points out, busy is nothing to brag about.


Today, ‘busy’ has become a fading badge oh honor. Much in the same way, admitting “I don’t know how to turn on a computer,” was okay to say until it eventually became a sign of complete ignorance.

Let’s face it. With the quality and proliferation of technological solutions, busy is no longer a positive sign. It is, in fact, a red flag. It is a harbinger for ineffective behavior. A symbol of someone out of control.

This should put sayings like, “If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person,” a cause for pause. 

“If you want to get something done, give it to an efficient person.” Isn't that better (albeit not a play on words)?

Here are Five Signs you’re busyness may be holding you back:

1. You Feel Busy but Don’t Notice Results. 
2. You Admit Busyness and Feel Out of Control.
3. You’re Exhausted From The Weight of Your Commitments.
4. You Can’t Quite Recall What You Did Today.
5. You’ve Given Up Lists for Reactionary Work.

The antidote to busy?

• List Your MITs - List the Peter Thomas, MITs (the most important things you want to get done) at the beginning of each day. 
• Target Specific Results - Target the specific progress or results you want to accomplish each day.
• Attach Emotion to Progress - Emotionally attach your progress to the end game, the ultimate prize you aim to attain. 

Now, don’t panic. It is still relatively acceptable to say you’re busy. But that window of acceptability is rapidly closing. Then, one day, admitting you’re busy will be an outright admission of ignorance. 

Best to get busy on solving busy, before its too late.

Tags: Goals, Motivational