What Role Should Humor Play after Tragedy?

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sun, Sep 25, 2022 @ 06:30 AM

Chautauqua Institute after the stabbing.Recently I was asked on Wbap News Talk 820 if Mr. Rushdie’s family thanked me for helping subdue his attacker. “No. I’m just glad he’s okay. But I do know, he owes me a beer.” This cracked up the radio hosts and leads to a good question.

What role, if, or when should humor happen after tragedy?

💡 Note: There's an entire section in Jamestown’s National Comedy Center dedicated to answering "Too soon?"

Think back to 18 days after New York's 9 11 tragedy. One quandary was to postpone or proceed with SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE's 27th Season Premiere. Paul Simon opened with The Boxer. Next, the executive producer asked, “Can we be funny?” New York's mayor said, “Why start now?”

This was a pressure release for an entire nation. An inflection point for mending hearts as we each stumbled forward.

MLK Jr. said, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” Silence in tragedy is deafening. Laughter amidst pain is medicine.

Immediately after Salman Rushdie’s near-fatal stabbing, I came back shaking. As one of a few who subdued the assailant, I later returned to friends at a writer’s retreat. Before I broke the news of Mr. Rushdie’s attack, everyone was excited for the day ahead. The room flipped into quiet and sustained shock. After a time, Jon, who is inherently kind and funny, said, “Vince, I came close to joining the event this morning. But… it’s probably good that I didn’t because while you were heroically jumping on stage, I would've feverishly ran the other way.”

Jon's humor did more than interrupt the traumatized mood, it was a salve for the soul. It was a catalyst for healing. It allowed us to embrace the process of recovery rather than stay frozen in the quagmire of stuckness.

Here’s to Rushdie's recovery as we face life's challenging earthquakes and aftershocks.

#Rushdie #ComedyTragedy #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Goals, Self Development, Motivational, Business Leadership, Changing Times, Safety

12 Breakthrough Choices for 100% Freedom

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sun, Sep 18, 2022 @ 06:00 AM

Twelve breakthrough choices that will lead to 💯 freedom.
💡We’re each susceptible to what we take in. Be the architect of your thoughts as you stay in ‘choice mode.’ Here are 12 Breakthrough Choices.

You decide…
1️⃣ When someone judges you, they’re telling you about them — not you.
2️⃣ When someone judges a situation, they’re telling you about their truth.
3️⃣ When someone expresses what they fear, they’re admitting what’s possible in their future.
4️⃣ When someone expresses what angers them, they’re triggered by what they see in themselves.
5️⃣ You don’t have to own a version of truth voiced by someone you admire.
6️⃣ You don’t have to own a perspective of reality from someone influential.
7️⃣ You don’t have to embrace someone else’s repetitive messages.
8️⃣ You don’t have to be polarized by your own narrative.
9️⃣ How you step back from a situation will reveal how to step into understanding.
🔟 How you make active listening a priority will develop next-level relationships.
11. How you choose to run toward, or from, fear will expose the size of that fear.
12. How you prioritize awareness over snap judgement will define your life.
Dear reader, be the architect of your mindset with each deliberate choice you make.

Which breakthrough listed above speaks to you?

Which person in your life would be open to these breakthroughs?
#mindset   #freedom   #ease   #lifehack

Tags: Goals, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times

The Power of Dollar Cost Averaging

Posted by Vince Poscente on Fri, Sep 16, 2022 @ 09:30 AM

The front end of uncertain business or economic trends (particularly with crypto) is predictable in one of two ways.
1st way? Use a magic crystal ball. Good luck!
2nd way? Use a Traffic Light without Assumptions.
🚥Green Lights = Certainty. Futurist • Daniel Burrus identifies two certainties, Linear & Cyclical.

1️⃣ Linear: Not Going Back. “Buy a smartphone and you’re not going back to a dumb phone.”
2️⃣ Cyclical: There are Cycles. An upmarket eventually goes down. A down market goes up.
🚥Yellow Lights = “clear the intersection.” You can assume there’s no vehicle running a red light. Caution is key. Certainty is in question.
🚥Red-lights = untenable uncertainty – Stop! Run the red light? You could pay a financial or physical price. Don’t proceed!
Enter my daughter Alex Poscente as Cofounder of Bits a mobile crypto-investment application that turns spare change into crypto. If a startup had optics of uncertainty - an application for investing in crypto on a smartphone would be squarely in the middle of

“Say what now?”

As a dad, without a crystal ball, here’s what’s certain.

🔐 Crypto has existed for 12+ years. It hasn’t gone away. It is linear.
🔐 Crypto has proven to be volatile with highs and lows. It’s cyclical.
Bits has added a level of ‘Green Light’ certainty to crypto investing.

➡️ “Dollar-cost averaging” is a proven financial strategy to minimize exposure and risk inherent in market volatility.
➡️ Bits removes the risky, one-time, all-in investment.
➡️ Users spend $ while spare change is rounded up to the dollar and saved in the app. Think Acorns but for crypto.
Will Bits and more important to me, Alex be okay? Are there any yellow or red lights?
Alex and Bits have several green lights. With the launch of the Bits app, we’ll know more if the trend was this academic to predict.
What linear or cyclical certainty will you bring to your predictions?
See CoinDesk
#crypto #BitsCrypto #futuretrends #investing #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Changing Times

Cynics Kill Corporate Cultures. Skeptics Heal These Cultures.

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Sep 14, 2022 @ 08:45 AM

Cynics can kill a corporate culture. Skeptics can heal it.Leadership by Vince Poscente

What is the definitive difference between a cynic and a skeptic?

“A CYNIC is a faultfinding captious critic; especially one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest.”

A SKEPTIC is “inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.” (Merriam Webster)

Cynics are like cancer to culture while the skeptics are like a warning light on a vehicle. If the engine isn’t running optimally, there will be issues down the road.

True Story: A CEO hired me to speak at their “All Hands” meeting.

➡️He saw me speak at YPO.
➡️I visited the company HQ.
➡️They published books.
➡️They’re now out of business.

“Vince, can you help?”

One of the SVPs was clearly a cynic. He was an angry, vindictive person who was a massive distraction during their meeting. Meanwhile, the culture was struggling. Revenue was declining.

The response to my speech? From everyone, except Mr. Cynic…“Bring this guy back.”
To fully prepare my consulting and coaching services, I flew back to HQ to interview all company levels, even Mr. Cynic.

Findings: There were two main offices separated by two buildings. Executives were in one building. The rank and file were in another. Employees didn’t feel appreciated or listened to. Executives couldn’t figure out what “The employees’ problems were?”

Meeting with the CEO, three recommendations topped the list:

1️⃣ Mr. Cynic needed to be fired.
2️⃣ The CEO and executives needed to office amongst the rest of the staff.
3️⃣ “Management by walking around” was urgently needed.

From a Consultant: The skeptic’s approach was necessary.

Result: I didn’t get hired for an extended contract.

Moral of the story?

If you don’t hire me, you’ll go out of business! 😜Nah, too cynical.

Let’s go with: Protect your skeptics. They may be a warning light worth paying attention to.

#consulting #coaching #truthtellers #ReservoirLLC #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership, Changing Times

Cement Your Brand Impressions with Audio Branding

Posted by Vince Poscente on Mon, Sep 12, 2022 @ 02:36 PM

Audio branding impact isn’t just for large corporations. Entrepreneurs who seek distinction from their competition are in on the sound logo advantage. A sound logo will elevate your brand and better connect with your customers.

Audio branding is not new. If I were to quiz you on the following sound logos, chances are you’ll be able to sing them immediately.

Intel CorporationNetflixHBOMcDonald's.

A good logo resonates with the sense of sight and is meant to elicit an emotional response. Adding the sense of sound further elevates a customer’s experience of your product or service.

Audio branding is next-level entrepreneurship. Just ask GaryVee (Gary Vaynerchuk) about the Rise of Audio Branding as a competitive advantage. He promotes audio branding as important.

"Sonic branding is about how your brand sounds and how it gets recalled or remembered — like the little jingle at the beginning of video games or the sound when you boot up your computer. It’s about to become dramatically more important for every single brand."

Note that jingles are the predecessor to sound logos. In fact, there's anecdotal evidence that Elizabethan musicians, wandering from town to town in the 16th century, were known to be sponsored by local entrepreneurs to come up with catchy tunes. Over the centuries, music has been used to enhance a company's brand image.

The next iteration of sound branding is audio logos. With the addition of sound and the subtle difference of a moving logo, your audience (or customer) is trained to get a shot of endorphins. Think of THX prior to a movie. That bone rattling wwwwwwwoooohhhhmmmmm sets up the audience for a "This is about to go down." 

Where can you get a Champagne Sound Logo on a Beer Budget? ➡️ Max

Full disclosure, Max (25) is my son. I learned about the impact of audio branding from him. He produces audio branding and sound logos for companies of all sizes who are wanting to elevate their customer experience. If you'd like to learn more about how a sound logo would benefit your business, call Max at 214-240-9987.

In the meantime, continue to implement ways to connect your brand promise with a memorable experience.

#customerexperience #soundlogo #businessgrowth #audiobranding #aboutyou

Tags: Sales, Motivational, Business Leadership, Changing Times

Being Blind to Bias and the Value of an Outside Perspective

Posted by Vince Poscente on Fri, Sep 09, 2022 @ 06:15 AM

You may think you're the exception. BUT... everyone has Blind Spot Bias.

We each have a tendency to see other people being more biased than we are. In fact, in one study - over 85% of Americans reported they are less biased in their thinking.

People are motivated to see themselves in a positive light while biases are generally seen as undesirable.

Everyone has unconscious patterns and personal ‘factory defects’ if you will. There are things about each of us, we don’t know we have.

Let’s say elbow skin for example.

Roll your sleeve up and give your elbow skin a pinch. There, see that, you have no feeling in your elbow skin. A factory defect you weren’t likely aware of.

Another 'factory defect'... you have a Blind Spot.

Take this quick test. Cover your left eye. Keep your right eye on the + sign while you slowly bring your face closer to the screen. At some point the black spot will disappear then reappear. THAT is your blind spot.

Blind spot bias with Vince Poscente

When it comes to topics you’re passionate about, you also have a combination of blind spots. Blind Spot biases are enhanced by confirmation bias and repetition bias. You recognize data as aligning with your way of seeing the world, and bingo you have reinforced or confirmed your bias. Or, you hear a certain bit of information repeatedly and you are in the sights of repetition bias. 

If you hold your gaze from a fixed position, there is nothing you can do about your optical bias. It is by seeing something from a different angle or position will you then see what you couldn’t see before. The same can be said in life.

If you are posting your bias on social media or arguing your point with a significant other, know, you may have an unconscious bias, A BLIND SPOT that’s a factory defect somewhat like the unfeeling elbow skin of objectivity. 

For leaders and sales folks who are driving forward without an awareness of your blind spot biases... give us a call. The value of an outside perspective can be priceless. 

#Goals #selfawareness #biases #BusinessLeadership #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Goals, Sales, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times, CustomerExperience

Rush Toward Chaos - Upstanding vs Bystanding

Posted by Vince Poscente on Wed, Sep 07, 2022 @ 02:28 PM

For the next few paragraphs, I’m going to take my own advice and share a life-altering event in the hopes that this experience may help someone. As an author and speaker, I encourage others to be transparent, vulnerable, and honest so I need to do the same.
 Salman Rushdie piece in Sh Pk News
How do I recount the violent attack on Salman Rushdie while describing my role in protecting him? To be candid, I struggle with this. Friends encouraged me to write what I honestly still can’t grasp.
It was a serene August morning on Lake Chautauqua. Arriving early, I took a front-row seat at a literary festival. Peace quickly distorted into chaos as an assailant leaped on stage and repeatedly stabbed Rushdie. * (The grotesque sound of the blade thrust into a vulnerable body is what haunts me as I write this.) I was not alone in realizing Rushdie needed immediate help. 
A few steps onto the stage, three of us were able to overpower the assailant. Grabbing his collar with my right hand, I pulled the entire pile of bodies away from Rushdie. The guy on my left secured an arm. A guy on my right repeatedly said, “Pin the knife.” A police officer joined in and cuffed the assailant's wrists.
Citizens came to Rushdie’s aid too. Soon I recognized I wasn't needed any longer. The host asked everyone to calmly leave.
Sensing a logjam of people, police, and eyewitness reports, I walked toward the exit but stopped to see Rushdie lying in a pool of blood. He was cared for by a doctor and others from the venue.
Without any burden of second-guessing, the surreal experience keeps replaying in my mind - and heart.
Friends have said words like courageous and brave. That’s what it might look like from the outside. From my perspective, I was simply among those nearest to help.
Others have admitted they don't think they would have jumped in. Running toward chaos is an unnerving notion when personal safety is threatened. Meanwhile seeing something, then doing something is the instinct to protect. 
It is clear that how quickly we choose to act and what we do matters beyond our comprehension! It is also clear we each have a choice to be a bystander or an upstander. There have been times in my life when I've done one or the other. 
My personal earthquake and the aftershocks pale in comparison to what Salman Rushdie will have to recover from. It is Rushdie who is the courageous one. He is a warrior of free speech and will be undaunted by censors or threats.
*After being stabbed over ten times, Mr. Rushdie is on the path to recovery. May we all hold his well-being in our thoughts.
#chaos #PTSD #Rushdie #freespeech #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times, Safety, Radical Safety

Who's the Architect for Your Dominant Thought and Truth?

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sun, Jun 12, 2022 @ 01:22 PM

So, you like to have your way. Here’s a shortcut. Be the architect of your dominant thought and your truth. But we normally live with our truth and dominant thought that occurs to us. Here’s how to align your thoughts to get the outcomes you seek.

Step One: Align Your Ant and Elephant. 

Think of your conscious mind and subconscious mind as an ant and an elephant. The ant is on the back of the elephant. The conscious decisions you make are equivalent to the ant making decisions as to which direction to walk on the elephant hide. Meanwhile, the elephant is also making decisions on where to go. They (those scientists in white lab coats and thick glasses) call it SUBconscious because those thoughts are BELOW consciousness. 

Let’s say you got a birthday invite a couple of miles west of your home. You reply “Yes.” The day arrives. Your ant made a decision to go west. But your elephant walks east. You intended to be at a party on the west side but ended up at a closed-down gas station on the eastern side of town. 

Imagine this: What if your elephant goes in the same direction as you consciously decided? You aren’t just at the party. You are THE party!

Step Two: Define a Truth with an Elephant Buzz

Emotions drive thoughts. Thoughts drive behavior. Instead of trying to behave differently… Instead of trying to think differently… Focus on the Emotional Quotient. The Emotional Quotient is thought that:

  • Lights you up.
  • Gives you energy.
  • Makes joy course through your veins. 

That is called your Elephant Buzz. A thought that literally has a physical reaction attached to it. It’s the difference between saying to a kid “Let’s go for ice cream” vs “Go clean your room.” 

If your dominant thought is exciting, your elephant will be inspired to run, not walk in the direction of your desired outcome. 

Step Three: Trigger your Dominant Thought to Create a New Truth

Personally, I like to use a Gold Dot as a reminder for my Elephant Buzz. I see a Gold Dot and I silently repeat my Elephant Buzz. For example:

  • When I started ski racing, my Gold Dot statement reminded me of marching in the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games.
  • When I started speaking professionally, my Gold Dot reminded me of accepting the Speaker Hall of Fame Award.
  • When I started writing books my Gold Dot statement reminded me of receiving a phone call that I would be on the New York Times bestsellers list.

What would your Gold Dot represent? Are you ready to tell the world?

If you’d like to know more about how the Ant and Elephant can work wonders in your life, check out the book, The Ant and the Elephant, Leadership for the Self. Order it from www.AntAndElephant.com and I’ll sign it for you personally. Let’s get your ant and elephant going in the direction that you decide.

Tags: Self Development, Motivational, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Money, Changing Times

What if Maslow Was an Event Planner in a Hybrid World?

Posted by Vince Poscente on Sat, Jun 11, 2022 @ 01:06 PM

What if Maslow analyzed your hybrid workforce? The good, bad, and ugly side of work from home folks can be improved with Maslow’s ‘ol hierarchy of needs. Indeed, a hybrid employee’s basic needs may be met but there’s distinct deterioration as we ascend that staffer’s experience triangle. 

The Conference Experience Formula by Vince Poscente copy

Working from home checks psychological and safety boxes. To many, comfort and peace of mind from working at home are profound. It feels good to feel good. Moreover, convenience leads directly to safety. Stay at home, have everything delivered, and your chance of getting in a life-altering car wreck drops to zero. Avoid those virus-carrying masses and you compound the feeling of security. That feels extra good. But this is where the good feelings are throttled.

To seek belonging is as natural as breathing. It’s an itch that needs to be scratched. At home, the TV may be flailing around that need. If it’s on one station, your belonging is reinforced but limited. The belonging isn’t tactile, it’s tribal. Zoom may be functional but it’s not profound. A two-dimensional screen is content-rich, and in-person interaction is rich in experience. If you were only to eat donuts from a donut factory, your human experience may feel full but you’ll be isolated from balanced nourishment. 

Climbing this hierarchy and esteem doesn’t stand a chance when your own bubble of thoughts makes up all sorts of narratives. Reality may land anywhere on the spectrum of:

Enlightenment  <—>  Doubt  <—>  Full-on Negativity

Left alone with our thoughts we lack the touchstone of a more comprehensive, broader awareness. 

Extended isolation without human interaction and self-actualization becomes as fleeting as a feather in the wind. It’s a fantasy to seek fulfillment when belonging and self-esteem are pushed aside. 

Remember, I’m on the front lines of this dynamic. I’m a communicator. A writer who is often asked to give virtual presentations. I live the hybrid life! But I won’t succumb and be limited by stopping at the basics of food, shelter, clothing, and security.

  • Coaching speakers and executives have me actively going to them or welcoming a home visit.
  • Presenting at local conferences or far-away locales is a priority.
  • Helping meeting professionals climb the total human experience is more important than ever. 

Let’s talk. Better yet, let’s meet to build a personal sense of friendship, confidence, and creative problem-solving. Let’s bring Maslow to the party and see how we can bring life to that hybrid workforce of ours.  

 #coaching #experience #workfromhome #eventsindustry #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Self Development, Team Building, Motivational, Business Leadership, Changing Times

Staying Over Your Skis is a Life Skill

Posted by Vince Poscente on Fri, Jun 10, 2022 @ 12:53 PM

Chaos can make it feel like we’re losing control. Lean too far into the chaos - turmoil wins. Lean away - it feels like flailing. Here’s where staying over your skis will help you win personally and professionally.

This is what we can learn from actual skiing. First, understand that you must remain perpendicular to the contour of the terrain. When you're standing, you're neither leaning forward nor backward. You are perpendicular to the land. As a rule, you won't fall. If you lean too far forward, you'll tumble. If you lean back too far, you'll fall as well.
When you learn to ski. It is one of the first things you’re taught. Stay perpendicular to the slope. The steeper the slope gets. The rule stays the same. Stay perpendicular to the slope. But that's not our instinct, is it? If the slope starts to get too steep. We lean back because we're a little nervous about falling into the imaginary abyss. Just the sight of that ski resort a mile down the mountain and the imagination runs wild. “Don’t fall. Don’t fall. Don’t fall,” and the brain tells the body, “Lean away from that danger.” Then, you fall.
On an increasingly steeper decline, it's against human instinct to lean over your skis. Today’s popular, if not overused aphorism is, “Stay over your skis.” We hear it regarding our personal or professional lives. Extend yourself too much and that’s literally like leaning too far forward over your skis.
·      Saying “yes” to everything.
·      Volunteering too much of your time.
·      Trying to do everything for your kids, family, coworkers, clients, prospects, and complainers.
Boom. Chaos wins and you don’t.
What about sitting back?  Again, we will have issues.
·      Sit back and wait for progress to just appear. Boom.
·      Lean away from the fear. It gets bigger.
·      Retreat from the chaos, it rages even stronger.
·      Lean too far back and we're ultimately in for a rocky ride.
There is that sweet spot, that zone of control, even if it is Controlled Chaos.
Stay over those skis. Stay perpendicular to the slope and it’s going to serve you well. If things seem to be a little bit too chaotic, check in with where you spend your time and focus.
Are you leaning too far forward or back?
If so, then find that sweet spot dynamic and enjoy the ride.
#chaos #TheEarthquake #overwhelmed #overcomeobstacles #setbacktobreakthrough

Tags: Goals, Self Development, Business Leadership, Inspirational, Changing Times